Be Accepting of Closed Doors

Published: July 12, 2020, 2 p.m.


Morning Mantra: "If it doesn't open it's not your door." Things are the way they are.\\xa0 Your life is the way it is. You can either accept things, or make yourself miserable about them.

We all have times when we think things should have happened for us or to us.\\xa0 Instead of feeling defeated, learn to accept things as they happen with a sense of appreciation. \\xa0

Acceptance doesn\\u2019t mean being passive about your dreams. If there\\u2019s something you want to see happen, then take action and try.\\xa0 But be ready to accept the outcome if it doesn't work out. Don\\u2019t deceive yourself about it, or beat yourself up for attempting something new. \\xa0

Just the opposite, give yourself a pat on the back for trying, learn from the experience, and move on with the quiet acceptance of knowing something else is meant for you.

Bring peace, patience, learning and accomplishment to your life by practicing acceptance.

#BeAcceptingOfClosedDoors\\xa0 #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #MorningMantra #inspirationalQuotes
