Episode 90 - Castle Doctrine 1: Evergreen Crystal Palace

Published: Aug. 9, 2022, 4:05 a.m.

Here is the first entry Castle Doctrine: Castles, Compounds and Palaces in the Ozarks, a sporadic series exploring the history, lore, legal proceedings, and the weirdos around the large buildings and projects that could loosely be defined as "castles". We meet shrewd businessman and Guy With His Name on Stuff, Robert W. Plaster and learn about his private town, his alleged crimes, and his 30,000 sq ft glass and marble residence/conference center on the edge of Table Rock Lake. Now More Than Ever, Support Your Local Abortion Fund: Arkansas Abortion Support Network www.arabortionsupport.org/ Missouri Abortion Fund www.mofund.org/ The Roe Fund (Oklahoma) www.roefund.org Find an abortion fund or services near you: National Network of Abortion Funds abortionfunds.org www.hootnhollerpod.com www.patreon.com/hootnhollerpod @hootnhollerpod on Twitter and Instagram facebook.com/hootnhollerpod hootnhollerpod@gmail.com Theme: "When the Moon Comes Down in Blood" As sung by Reba Dearmore, Mountain Home, Arkansas on January 7, 1969. Cat. #0647 (MFH #709) in the Max Hunter Folk Song Collection at Missouri State University. maxhunter.missouristate.edu/songinforma…aspx?ID=647 Outro: "Down on Table Rock Lake" As performed by Various Branson Performing Artists from the 90s Heyday. From the 90s promotional special of the same name. Produced by Rodney Dillard and Jim Stafford