Radical Feminism in 1968: Interview with Alice Echols

Published: Aug. 7, 2018, midnight

b'In this episode, Marybeth Hamilton speaks to Alice Echols, author of the ground-breaking book Daring to Be Bad, about the rise and fall of radical feminism in the pivotal year of 1968. How did demands for the liberation of women emerge from the tumult of radical protest? What tensions and conflicts did the early movement contain? How do its demands and its methods resonate fifty years later? Echols reflects: "What people don\'t understand about the late 1960s, and what they don\'t understand about the women\'s movement, is that there is a very different logic at work, and it is not a logic of intersectionality. It is a logical of organizing around your own oppression. Anything else is seen as liberal. And liberal is understood as compromised, tainted, and to be avoided." Listen now, and subscribe to the History Workshop Podcast on Soundcloud, iTunes and Stitcher.'