Queer Education

Published: Feb. 25, 2021, 6 a.m.

b'In this episode on queer education, Elly Robson is joined by Syeda Ali and Nazmia Jamal to discuss how queer lives can be integrated into school curricula and cultures. The history of queer education in the UK has often been one of deliberate silence: a silence that was officially legislated between 1988 and 2003 by Section 28, which made it illegal for schools to \'promote homosexuality\'. We explore stories of resistance and trace Section 28\'s legacies, including what lessons it might hold for teachers seeking to challenge the Islamophobic Prevent strategy today.\\n\\nTo find out more about resources referenced in this podcast, check out \\n- Nazmia Jamal\'s new LGBT+ poetry resource for the Poetry Society: https://poetrysociety.org.uk/education/learning-from-home/secondary-14-poets-for-lgbt-history-month-and-always/\\n- the Rebel Dykes documentary: https://www.rebeldykes1980s.com/\\n- the letter to the Independent in September 2019, titled "The government is hijacking LGBT+ sex education to bolster its counterterrorism strategy": https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/letters/lgbt-no-outsiders-rse-birmingham-muslim-prevent-values-a9092781.html'