T.W.I.T. This week in trumplandia

Published: May 8, 2020, 7 p.m.

Just how many locust plagues will we get under the trump fake presidency? 

Yesterday the news was breaking so fast the Heartland Mamas could barely keep up! 
So today we streamed This Week in trumplandia All the news you can use in 35 minutes from the "Edge of The Great Red Divide"! 

Cock Block of the CDC, Playing Post Office with Mega Donors, The Freeing of Chris Christie and Michael Flynn, South American Coup Failure, The Grim Reaper Reconvenes the Senate, A box full of nothing from Pence, Rural America is ON FIRE with COVID-19, There is a Black Hole close to Earth AND MURDER HORNETS! 

It's all here and so much more!

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