Mental Health in the Heartland - Why farmers are being hit hardest

Published: Sept. 8, 2019, 3 p.m.

Farm Stress Hotline open 24 hours a day 1(800)691-4336 

Suicides are on the rise in farmland. A very powerful must share podcast. The statistics are sobering. 91% of farmers are feeling strain and stress. If this were ANY other industry the alarm bells would be sounding across the nation.

Our take away is that rural folks tend to be silent sufferers. And that asking for help gives the perception of weakness. It takes GREAT strength to reach out for help in a seemingly hopeless time. Also there is reluctance on behalf of the Senate and the current Administration to shine light on this issue as farmers are taking the brunt of the tariffs and trade war.

You might say "But they voted for them" and that just makes things worse. Because adding guilt and shame on to their already heavy load is beyond cruel.

A MUST Watch MUST Share video for today. 

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