Episode 12 - On How to Break Free from Cultural Conditioning and Craft a Life You Love with Lilia Zen

Published: March 12, 2021, 4 p.m.

“They say when we’re feeling nervous or fearful, often time, the flip side of that is excitement, excitement of the new possibilities we’re expanding into and I definitely say, tap into that source of energy that’s inside you; you have it in you.” 

What a delightful and encouraging conversation this was, one that was so relatable and one that left me feeling like I could give myself the permission and courage to not give up on pursuing and chasing my heart’s desires despite the pressures stemming from our culture conditioning, norms and stereotypes. I love how young yet how in touch she is with her thoughts and feelings and how she was able to channel that into passion to help others just like her. 

Here are the takeaways:

  1. Inspiration can arrive in your life in different ways, shapes and forms; give it space and allow it to take you places 
  2. Your pain can often times become your passion
  3. It is your responsibility to live a life that’s happy and fulfilled 
  4. It’s okay that your heart wants what it wants; trust it 
  5. Be committed to doing the next right thing, don’t worry about having to have it all figured from the start and it would lead you to the right places
  6. Surround yourself with community that supports and motivates you towards your pursuit 
  7. You attract what you are looking for. Trust that synchronicity exists
  8. Ask for forgiveness instead of permission 
  9. Recognize that the advice-giving from parents comes from a place of concern and love and is meant to protect you 
  10. In all relationships, communication is key to foster understanding and alignment in managing expectations 
  11. Be gentle with yourself as you work through multiples pressures; take one step at a time 
  12. The flip side of feeling nervous and fearful is excitement; tap into that source of energy inside you 
  13. Realize that the cultural upbringing of those around you may not look like your own while living abroad; find what is right for you 
  14. Lilia’s current mantra: “Faith says even if”

 In this episode: 

  • Connect with Lilia and stay in touch with her content (check out her new podcast of the same name!) and upcoming programs through her website https://liberasian.com/ 
  • Join her Facebook Group “Brave Authenticity” and be part of her community 
  • Lilia’s currently reading: You’re A Badass At Making Money - Jen Sincero 

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