Redefining Risk as a Jumping Off Point For Opportunity

Published: April 28, 2015, 4 p.m.

In the pursuit of living an life considered EXCEPTIONAL our relationship with RISK is critical. How many opportunities slip through our fingers as a result of a lack of engagement? Often we talk ourselves out of even starting. Our stories are powerful and if we don’t engage the things we call risky and redefine them appropriately then mediocrity of our fate. The impact on our lives can be devastating. Over time, what could have taken a short period of time is now extended further than it should have. This one dependency can be the only thing holding you back from performing at your highest and best. What can be gained if nothing is risked? I appreciate the dangers and pitfalls our ego is attempting inform us about but the side effect of allowing the ego to run the show is that it creates a knot in the flow. This is what we have to focus on untangling. In this episode we examine the idea of risk and allow it’s essence to form.