Junk Food for Thought

Published: June 2, 2015, 4 p.m.

Junk Food for Thought The information age surrounds us. We’ve thrown so much on the wall for what it can do that it’s time to come up with some best practices. Left to the corporations our attention is a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder. It’s time that we retake command of our relationship with information. It is virtually abundant. The acquisition of it only costs time and attention. How often does the ingestion of more information lead to a useful contribution to your life? How often do you retain it in a way that stays sharp and fresh without the need for review? How valuable is being informed? We’ve allowed what was once “Food for Thought” to become “Junk Food for Thought.” The effects of JUNK in our mental diet has similar repercussions to poor food consumption habits. In this episode, we shine the spotlight on these issues and outline an activity that can assist in reclaiming part of your mental state of being.