Poured on a Bike: Interview with a Master Bike Fitter & Physiotherapist

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, midnight


In this episode, Scotty and Rosco pick the brain of Lucas Owen, who has been a Physiotherapist for 20 years and for 14 of those years has been performing bike fits for cyclists of all shapes and sizes. Lucas has done around 2,500 bike fits so he's got some real skin in the game and this chat with the boys covered off on the many things that he's seen during that time.\\xa0
During the episode they discussed what a bike fit looks like and the steps that you may go through, what ramifications the indoor cycling phenomenon has on a cyclists saddle position, which pro-cyclists he'd like to work with, if he'd experienced any bizarre issues from clients and if he'd been asked at any stage recently to "give me the Wout!" and much more.\\xa0
It's a ripping chat that gave off some super-strong Half Wheelin' vibes (a real thing!).\\xa0

After listening, if you'd like to touch base with Lucas, you can find him at Cycling Physiotherapy Centre, Bulleen Vic. or at www.cyclingphysiotherapycentre.com.au\\xa0
