9/30/23 Shiur 437 Practical Sukkos and Daled Minim Halachos Seven Fascinating riddles

Published: Sept. 29, 2023, 11:40 a.m.

b'Hilchos Daled MinimCommon Shailos of Daled Minim Does spending a lof of money on an esrog take precedence over buying a wife a dress? With Rabbi Aharon Twerski \\u2013 Rov Albert Shul in Lakewood \\u2013 25:38\\nHow to shop for an EsrogWhat to look for when buying an Esrog? What\\u2019s the minimum to be Yotzei and what\\u2019s a Hiddur? What\\u2019s the difference between the different types of Esrogim? What does the Hechsher on the Esrog box mean? and much more\\u2026With Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap\\xa0\\u2013 Esrog Moicher from Queens \\u2013 34:28\\nMitzvos of building and sitting in a SukkahWhat to be careful about when making a Sukkah? What mats are Kosher for Schach? What to do if your mat rolled up on Yom Tov? Can you go on a trip to a place that doesn\\u2019t have a Sukkah? Is someone who\\u2019s sleeping obligated in the Mitzvah of Sukkah? and much more\\u2026with Rabbi Shlomo Francis, Mechaber: The Laws Of Eruv, Sukkah Expert \\u2013 55:04\\n\\xa0\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d0\\u05d9 \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05d5\\u05de\\u05d5\\u05ea'