7/29/23 Shiur 429 Jewish Influencers: The Facts The Fears The Responsibilities

Published: July 28, 2023, 9:13 a.m.

b'What responsibility does an influencer have to do due dilgience when endorsing a product or business deal?\\xa0If an influencer didn\\u2019t do due diligence and people suffered financial loss is the influencer responsible?\\xa0Not letting people know you\\u2019re getting paid for what you\\u2019re promoting is it \\u05d2\\u05e0\\u05d9\\u05d1\\u05ea \\u05d3\\u05e2\\u05ea?Are you allowed to push people to live beyond their means or become envious?What responsibility does someone on social media have?Are influencers a danger to the influence of Rabbonim?\\nwith Rabbi Michoel Frank \\u2013 Rav, Ohr HaTorah, Silver Springs, Maryland \\u2013 11:22with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg \\u2013 Senior Rabbi Boca Raton Synagogue \\u2013 35:36with Chez Chaya \\u2013 Top Influencer \\u2013 54:00with Nachi Gordon \\u2013 Meaningful People Podcast \\u2013 1:18:02\\n\\xa0\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d0\\u05d9 \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05d5\\u05de\\u05d5\\u05ea'