6/24/23 Shiur 424 Segulos Do they really work? Are they mutar and advisable or ineffective and prohibited?

Published: June 23, 2023, 2:14 a.m.

b'How do we judge if a segulah is valid or not?Is the $1 given out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe meant as a segulah?Are the red bendel (bracelet) and Schlissel Challah actual segulos or prohibited?Is buying Kol Hanearim, Maftir Yona or Pesicha for Neilah effective?Are there any valid segulos for parnassah, shidduchim, health, Shalom Bayis and great children?How do fake segulos catch on?\\xa0\\n***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim\\nwith Rabbi Aharon Spivak \\u2013 Rav, Author and Therapist \\u2013 8:35with Rabbi Hershel Schachter \\u2013 Rosh Yeshivah of YU, Poseik of the OU \\u2013 29:56with Rabbi Dr. Zvi Ron \\u2013 Maggid Shiur and prolific author \\u2013 58:11with Rabbi Simon Jacobson \\u2013 Renowned author and lecturer, Founder of the Meaningful Life Center \\u2013 1:20:38\\n\\xa0\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d0\\u05d9 \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05d5\\u05de\\u05d5\\u05ea'