6/1/19 - Show 222 - Extremist groups and extreme Chumros in Halacha and Haskafa and historically

Published: May 31, 2019, 7:30 p.m.

with Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer - Rebbe and Maggid Shiur at Yeshivas Ohr Somayach in Monsey, NY - 17:15
with Rabbi Yehuda Aaron Horovitz - Associate Chief Rabbi of Munich, Germany - 38:20 
with Dr. Paul Offit - Pediatrician specializing in Infectious Diseases and an expert on vaccines, immunology, and virology - 57:40 
with Rabbi Yitzchok Feldheim - National Lecturer for Aish Hatorah on campuses - 1:10:30
with Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein - Torah Umesorah's Director of Publications and Communications - 1:36:30

מראי מקומות