5/18/19 - Show 220 - Training and Arming our Shuls in Halacha and Hashkafah

Published: May 17, 2019, 5:57 p.m.

Muktzah, Hotza'ah, Women, Kovod Beis Haknesses, Correct to arm our communities, does it help?
Amazing story from Rabbi of Poway Chabad

with Rabbi Tzvi Ortner - Rav Cong. Linas Hatzedek, Rabbinical consultant Zman Technologies, OU Director of Halacha and Technology - 22:00
with Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein - Rav, Poway Chabad - 53:50
with Rabbi Yoel Asher Labin - Rav Toms River - 1:13:30

 מראי מקומות