1/25/20 Show 256 - Checking for Bugs

Published: Jan. 24, 2020, 7:20 p.m.

Din or Chumrah? What is necessary to check? Is this a new phenomenon? Nirah Leynaim, Chazaka, Miyut and much more....

with Harav Reuven Feinstein - Rosh Yeshivah Staten Island - 18:25  with Rabbi Dovid Goldstein - Chief Mashgiach for Positive and Kosher Gardens - 35:09 with Rabbi Oren Duvdevani - Head of Kashrus for Tzohar - 1:09:34 With Mrs. Etti Neustadt - Grandaughter of Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky ZT"L - 2:02:10

Clarifying the status of Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Rabbi Elliot Schrier - Rov of the Albert Einstein Synagogue, Kehillas Birkas Shmuel -  2:13:26 

מראי מקומות