12/30/23 Shiur 449 Of course there should be Hakaras Hatov to the IDF soldiers. A response to a small minority who think otherwise. Does Torah-learning fully protect us, or is an army necessary?

Published: Dec. 28, 2023, 11:41 p.m.

b'Is Hakaras Hatov a halachic requirement, or just a nice thing to do?Do we just feel gratitude, or do we need to say \\u201cthank you\\u201d or more?Historically, did the Gedolim show Hakaras Hatov towards the soldiers of the IDF?Why have a few Roshei Yeshiva said they are concerned about showing gratitude?If Torah learning protects, why does Israel need an army?Does the Israeli army enable those in Yeshiva to learn? Do those learning in Yeshiva enable the army to have military success?\\n***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim\\nwith Rabbi YY Jacobson \\u2013 world-renowned educator and lecturer \\u2013 24:19with Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb \\u2013 Rabbi in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Director of Tzalash https://tzalash.org/ \\u2013 53:55with Rabbi Doniel Haymann \\u2013 Rosh Kollel, author of Hakaras Hatov L\\u2019Halacha \\u2013 1:26:59with Rabbi Joshua Friedman \\u2013 founder of Israel Select https://thechesedfund.com/israelselect/tefillin?aff=WA \\u2013 1:53:32Clip from Rabbi Baruch Rosenblum \\u2013 educator, author, and popular magid shiur \\u2013 2:16:47\\n\\n\\xa0\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d0\\u05d9 \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05d5\\u05de\\u05d5\\u05ea'