11/5/22 Shiur 393 Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA Is there life after divorce?

Published: Nov. 4, 2022, 8:39 a.m.

b'Is same sex attraction real? Hear about it in real life\\xa0\\nwith "Sara" \\u2013 A wife of someone who has SSA - 22:23\\nCan the mother have custody of the boys when the father has a Mitzvah to teach his children Torah?Are you allowed to say Loshon Horah when asked Shidduch information about your ex- spouse?\\xa0Are you allowed to say the divorce wasn\\u2019t messy?Can you hide your assets to give less alimony?If a spouse is violating the divorce agreement and Beis Din can\\u2019t enforce it, are you allowed to go to secular court?If one of the spouses goes off the Derech how should it be dealt with?\\xa0How are the ex-spouses supposed to communicate with each other?If one of the spouses remarries, how do they walk down to the Chuppah?\\nwith Rabbi Avrohom Kahan \\u2013 Rav of Congregation Khal New City, Av Beis Din of the Bais Din Vaad Hadin V\\u2019horaah \\u2013 34:25with Reb Yitzchok Gruenbaum \\u2013 Concord Mediation Group \\u2013 1:16:26\\nAnswers to last weeks riddles \\u2013 1:33:55\\n\\xa0\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d0\\u05d9 \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05d5\\u05de\\u05d5\\u05ea'