1/11/20 - Show 254 - Medical School in Halacha, Practicing Medicine on Shabbos

Published: Jan. 10, 2020, 6:38 p.m.

Can a Frum Jew become a doctor? Can a Kohein become a doctor? What are some of the many Halachik challenges they face?  Giving stitches on Shabbos, Working in a Hospital on Shabbos, and many more practical applications.....

with Rabbi Dr. Avrohom Steinberg -Author, Encyclopdia Refuah, Encyclopedia Talmudis, Ethics Director, Shaarei Zedek Hospital - 15:00 with Rabbi Dr. Daniel Roth - Co-Author, Halachos of Refuah on Shabbos, Ophthalmologist, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital - 55:15 with Dr. Alan Kadish - President, Touro University and College System - 1:26:00 with Dr. Louis Malcmacher - President, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, President at American Academy of Facial Esthetics - 1:55:00

מראי מקומות