10/3/20 - Show 291 - Sukkos during corona; Showering on yom tov

Published: Oct. 2, 2020, 8:42 a.m.

Fascinating discussions on - Showers on yom tov with cold water, hot water; should we be davening this year in shul even with a mask; wearing gloves by lulav; pop up sukkos; meal of meat outside sukkah; shaming people without masks; much more...

with Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Rosh Yeshiva YU - Poseik of the OU - 20:11 with Rabbi Mendy Abrahamson - Baal Mechaber of Bnei Avraham, talmid of Lakewood, Philly, Mir - 33:15 with Rabbi Ari Enkin - author of Daled Amot Shel Halacha, Rabbinic Director of United with Israel, RA"M at a number of yeshivot - 1:01:56

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