10/21/23 Shiur 439 Israel at War Halachos of warfare, collateral damage, prisoner swaps, refusing medical treatment to terrorists, and much more

Published: Oct. 20, 2023, 2:04 a.m.

b'Sign up here to learn Mishnayos (\\u05d1\\u05dc\\u05d9 \\u05e0\\u05d3\\u05e8) for the soldiers, injured and captives, by the 10th\\xa0of Kislev, November 23rd:\\nMishnayos audios available here\\nDo we need to worry about \\u201ccollateral damage\\u201d when bombing Gaza?Can a Jewish doctor refuse to treat an injured terrorist?What does halacha say about having a death sentence for terrorists?Are prisoner swaps permitted, if Israel exchanges many more prisoners than it receives?How can we process the trauma we are experiencing? \\xa0What can we do to be there for families directly affected?\\n***Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman *** Author of "Making it Work", "Making it ALL Work" (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim\\nwith Rabbi Berel Wein -\\xa0renowned Rov, author, historian and lecturer \\u2013 16:50with Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz \\u2013\\xa0Senior Lecturer at Yeshivas Ohr Somayach \\u2013 28:21with Jonathan Rosenblum \\u2013 Mishpacha Columnist and author \\u2013 56:58with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox \\u2013 Dayan, Forensic and clinical psychologist, Director of Crisis and Trauma Services for Chai Lifeline \\u2013 1:17:28with Rabbi Daniel Wasserman\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0Rabbi in Ashdod, Israel \\u2013 1:35:32with Professor Claude Berrebi - Terrorism Expert at Hebrew University\\xa0\\u2013 1:52:29\\n\\xa0\\xa0\\u05de\\u05e8\\u05d0\\u05d9 \\u05de\\u05e7\\u05d5\\u05de\\u05d5\\u05ea'