The Power of Gratitude

Published: Nov. 22, 2021, 11 a.m.

Thanksgiving is this week and I am so excited. I love Thanksgiving because it's a whole holiday dedicated to being thankful for what we have and just spending time with the people we love. I think Thanksgiving is vastly underrated. So many of us, yes even me, want to skip straight to Christmas. However, Christmas has become a holiday about consumerism and getting and I think Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to adjust you heart posture and go into the Christmas season with an attitude of gratitude and make this holiday a true season of giving rather than receiving.

In this episode:

  • Scientifically proven benefits of a gratitude practice
  •  The three types of gratitude
  • Finding something to be grateful for in the hard times

I truly believe practicing gratitude every single day can completely change your mindset and if you change your mindset you can change your life.