Intuitive Eating

Published: Dec. 19, 2022, 9:32 p.m.


I don\'t know about you, but I am so tired of diets telling me I have to cut out my favorite foods, making me feel bad for what or how much I eat and restricting myself to the point that I have so much stress and anxiety around food. If you are ready to reject diet culture and negative feelings surrounding food, this episode is for you.

In this episode I discuss:

  • What intuitive eating is and the physical and, most importantly, the psychological benefits of adopting this philosophy
  • Reframing your mindset around food to stop looking at it as \'good\' or \'bad\' or calculating calories in your head.\\xa0
  • Notice how foods make you feel and eating what makes you feel your best rather than how it might make you look
  • Honoring your hunger and respecting your fullness. It really is as simple as that, being self-aware and in tune with your bodies cues is what intuitive eating is all about
  • Taking the emotion out of eating, learning to let yourself feel your emotions rather than coping with food and rejecting the guilt and shame around your food choices

Intuitive eating isn\'t eating whatever you want whenever you want. It\'s eating what you know is going to make you feel good when you\'re hungry and stopping when you\'re full. Sounds simple, because it is but the key is your mindset and making peace with food. Intuitive eating is an act of self-love and self-care, it is not a diet. Infact, it\'s the opposite of a diet.

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