How You Can Give Back This Giving Season

Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 11 a.m.

The holidays are the season of giving, yet so often we get caught up in the consumerism and capitalism that surrounds the holiday season. This year I want to encourage you to remember the true reason for the season and give to those who are in need. It feels even better to give than it does to receive so while you're out doing your holiday shopping maybe pick something up for someone in need.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Where you can donate various things
  • Ideas on what you can donate you may not have thought of
  • Having a heart for giving in the midst of the holiday stress

I hope this episode inspires you to clean out your house and donate things that you're not even using anymore that can be life changing to someone in need or maybe pick up some extra cans of food while you're at the grocery store preparing for Thanksgiving dinner. Whatever your financial situation I promise you have something to give that will mean so much to someone. So get out there and make this season actually about giving.
