Entering Your Soft Girl Era

Published: Nov. 14, 2022, 11 a.m.


I\'m sure many of you have seen the Tik Tok trend going around about entering your \'soft girl\' era, but how do you do that? If you\'ve been wanting to step into your feminine energy, and become a classy, soft, generous, confident, kind-hearted person that spreads love to others than this episode is for you.

In this episode I discuss:

  • Summary of exactly who a \'soft girl\' is and the energy she exudes
  • Cultivating a safe environment that validates your emotions, uplifts and nurtures you, and allows you to be vulnerable
  • Finding what brings you peace and joy in your life and sharing it with others so that you can be a light in their life
  • Learning to pour into yourself and being able to accept the love you deserve from others
  • What the \'soft girl\' era is not and addressing common misconceptions

I don\'t know about you, but I was in survival mode for a long time. I was ready to let go of struggling, hyper independence, being avoidant, being avoidant and emotionally unavailable, the fear of being vulnerable and the masculine energy I was trauma bonded to. I hope this episode helps get you started into the beautiful \'soft girl\' flower I know you can be.

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