10 Take Aways From "Atomic Habits"

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 11 a.m.

So many people have recommended reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and after reading it I understand why everyone from fitness influencers, minimalist youtubers and self-help podcasters have raved about this book. I got so many golden nuggets and great take aways from this book and in this episode I'm sharing 10, which only scratches the surface of what this book has to offer so I highly recommend reading it for yourself.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that this book is life changing. It is chocked full of actionable steps, mindset shifts and excellent analogies that I have found super helpful in learning and implementing the methods discussed in this book. Many things talked about in this book are tactics I used to quit smoking and implement healthy habits into my life but James Clear does a beautiful job or wording and explaining these tactics in simple actionable, attainable and easy to implement steps.

You can purchase Atomic Habits online or at your local book retailer or listen to the audio book, you won't regret it!