Embracing Curiosity, Courage, and Playfulness as an Entrepreneur: A Conversation with Sound Sight Tarot founder Carly Fischer

Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 9 a.m.

Sound Sight Tarot founder Carly Fischer shares tips for stepping into the role of entrepreneur and teacher. If you are dreaming of starting your own business or teaching a course, this conversation is waiting for you! Carly also shares insights on staying motivated to show up and do the work, the importance of creating boundaries within your business, finding a great mentor, and sitting in the seat of the student to be a better teacher. 

After working in the tech industry and observing the high levels of stress and pressure on her colleagues, Carly started offering tarot to her coworkers after hours. The sessions helped them make decisions ranging from product launches to career moves, and Carly ended up taking her tarot business full-time. She has a grounded approach to using the mystical tool of tarot, which helps her build solid connections to her clients.

Where to find Carly:
IG - @sound_sight_tarot

Where to find Jayme:
email - jayme@moodbodystudio.com
IG - @moodbodyjayme