Govern America | September 12, 2020 | Cohesion, Alignment, Separation

Published: Sept. 13, 2020, 2:43 a.m.

Cohesion, Alignment, Separation Hosts: Darren Weeks, Vicky Davis Website for the show: Vicky's Websites: and COMPLETE SHOW NOTES AND CREDITS AT: LISTEN LIVE EVERY SATURDAY 11AM TO 2PM EASTERN TIME AT Technocrats engineering the Fourth Industrial Revolution are transitioning the world into a artificial reality where machines are in control, currencies are digital, property is virtualized, and wealth is only generated within the confines of their game. Meanwhile, in the real world, everyone gets tracked, traced, manipulated, and poverty increases for all except those doing the programming. Deep dive on Incite Seminars and their excellent presentation on Life in a post-pandemic video game. In the final hour, John Perazzo of joins us to talk about the Marxist orgins of Black Lives Matter. John is a contributing writer to Front Page Magazine and works for the David Horowitz Freedom Center. We discussed his article, Black Lives Matter: Marxist Hate Dressed Up As Racial Justice and touched upon the roots of the BLM organization, their funding, and their detrimental impact upon society.