April 12, 2020 - The Tooth Fairy: An Essential Worker

Published: April 12, 2020, 7 a.m.


Another essential worker: the Easter Bunny.  


This week, you can hear more good news about the recovering environment due to COVID-19 measures, graduation ceremonies taking place online, celebrities and athletes using their social capital to help those in need and a hospital getting some donated candy for the holidays. 


We all are looking for silver linings right now, and it can be a challenge. The new goal and direction of Good News: A Podcast is try to build a shared experience whether it be a moment of escapism or, better yet, a moment of were-in-this-togetherness. To build that shared experience, I\\u2019m asking you to send me voicemails of good news stories you read, see or hear about in the news or just Good News that happens in your life. Your voicemails will be the heart and soul of the show moving forward.   To leave a voice mail call Good New: A Podcast's Google Voice account at 917-960-7635.  All I ask is if you're reporting something from the news, please provide the source so I can do my part to fact check.  And, if you're on Instagram, you can send any good news stories you see to the show's account and we'll re-post to spread the positivity. Follow Good News: A Podcast at @goodnews_apodcast.
