Right On Track

Published: Feb. 3, 2020, 9 p.m.

Welcome to the final episode of the first season of Good For A Change, the podcast where Jarrod, Sean and Hollie combat that awful everyday news you read on your feed with some healthy dollops of good news.

This week we join the quest to find out what exactly is the minimum serve of chips, discover a secret miniature railway and help launch the world's first sea bound roller coaster. We've clearly been very busy- and that's why we need a little break (also because Sean and Hollie have been overseas working on their show.)

Give them something to do when they get back though by sending any good news you've come across to goodforachangepodcast@gmail.com, check out the visual elements of the podcast by visiting our Instagram at instagram.com/goodforachangepodcast

If you've really enjoyed listening to this episode, and all of season one, why not leave us a review on iTunes, and perhaps share us with some of your friends!

Thanks for listening! Have a great day!

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