Relatively Speaking Podcast: Tom Brady is dreamy

Published: Feb. 6, 2017, 3:31 p.m.

Did you know, that when it snows, the Relatively Speaking Podcast is celebrating its one-year anniversary? Seriously. that's a real thing that happens with this wonderful edition of the podcast. Before we begin brainstorming about the state of the Relatively Speaking Podcast toward the end of the episode, the hosts start the show with the hottest topic hitting social media the day after the Super Bowl -- did Joseph eat cheesecake? After that wonderful discussion, Jared and Joseph discuss -- for real this time -- everything Super Bowl related. Both don't want to play the blame game, but are more than happy to sing the praises of Tom Brady. Does the former Michigan gunslinger become the great QB of all-time after winning his fifth Super Bowl? Only one way to find out. Bad Tweets, which might not return after this week, is concerning all the hot-takes from pre-Brady going bonkers and a city that too firmly implants sports as part of their identity. Terrell Owens didn't make the NFL Hall of Fame. This is a travesty, and Jared and Joseph will tell you why. To finish off the show, it is Absurd Questions. Jared brought two of them to the mix while Joseph wants to know if boinking Tom Brady would be cool. Jared's second Absurd Question is very show-specific. After all, the Relatively Speaking Podcast is celebrating its one-year anniversary. If you want to get a peak behind the curtains as to how this show works, the last segment of this episode is most certainly a must listen scenario. PSA: Thank you for all your support over the last year. We promise we'll try to be less bad for the next 12 months. Just know, we tend to break our promises routinely.