Golf Talk Live - Feb. 13th, 2014 - Guest- Author John O'Hern

Published: Feb. 14, 2014, midnight

This week on "Golf  Talk Live",   John O'Hern, author of Sweetspot - Confessions of a Golfaholic. Is it Golf Addiction? You decide! Here's a sample of Sweetspot: Breaking Bad meets Caddy Shack! Tom and Carol have the perfect life: good job, good home, two wonderful kids. While Carol yearns for Tom to join in her search for new age spiritual bliss, Tom's boss insists he take up golf as a business networking tool. In a classic cautionary tale of a happy marriage gone adrift, follow our hero Tom as his obsession takes hold and steers him down a dark, twisted road of substance abuse; in this case the substance is golf! When Tom's new found golf lust and Carol's spirit world collide, magic happens. (Spoiler Alert!) Tom comes to believe he's channeling the ghost of the great one, Ben Hogan, and becomes hell bent on unlocking the secret of the "Hogan Swing." Tune in "Live" Thursday 6PM CST,  to "Golf Talk Live". To get your copy of Sweetspot, visit