Episode 032: Shihan Marinus Hook – The similarities between martial arts and golf, Why he left the golf business, and being inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

Published: Dec. 6, 2020, 1 p.m.

Shihan Marinus Hook has spent a lifetime learning. He entered the world of martial arts at age 4 and has been in it for almost five decades. During that time, he has owned his own martial arts school, trained with some of the most famous people in the world; the Gracie’s of BJJ, the Chinese monks, and many others. This has led him to hold numerous black belts with the highest rank being 8th Dan. He also spent several years in the golf business. Starting as many do, as a student of the game, then following that passion into an assistant professional and in alignment with his martial arts teachings he got into golf instruction. He has returned to his roots of teaching martial arts and life’s lessons  to those willing to learn and is back in his dojo called Family Tree Karate where their motto is ‘Changing the world one student, one family at a time.’ To learn more about his amazing career, in martial arts and golf, you can do so by listening to this episode and visiting his website (or dojo) Family Tree Karate.