Episode 026: Dan Hellman: Fixing broken golfers, long term effects of swinging harder and faster, and what is H3TV?

Published: Sept. 27, 2020, 12:49 p.m.

Dan Hellman (Twitter - @DanHellman1, FB – H3 by Dan Hellman, IG – h3bydanhellman) is the owner of H3 by Dan Hellman; a.k.a. Hellman Holistic Health and his new channel H3TV. He has spent a lifetime learning from some of the best in the world; Paul Chek, Dr. Guy Voyer and others to ensure his ‘tool box’ is as full as possible and allows him to help all of his clients. He has worked with everyone from your average Joe to world class athletes in all sports. He maybe most known for his work in helping golfers recover from injury and using the ELDOA method.

This is the second time Dan has been on the show, so be certain to listen to his first episode, and we get into one of the hottest topics in the world of golf; distance. He gives his ideas on ‘Is heavy lifting good for you?’, ‘What are the long term effects of swinging as fast and hard as you can?’.

The majority of this episode is devoted to H3TV; how he turned a pandemic into an opportunity, where the idea came from, and why you no longer have an excuse not to utilize his talents.

Dan is one of the brightest people in the physical fitness/training world and each and every time you listen to him you can’t help but walk away a smarter, more knowledgeable person.