E9 - my struggles with 'entitlement'

Published: June 1, 2021, 3 p.m.

My name is Laura. (you can find me on IG: @going_for_something).

I have been inspired to start this podcast series because I would love to help anyone who might be facing similar struggles to what I have worked (and am still working through) myself.

This week, we are looking at entitlement - in two forms.

The first, which I refer to as shit entitlement - and which we may want to reduce in our life in order to fuel our success and foster more of a growth mindset.

The second, which I refer to as growth entitlement, is something I heard about in Malcolm Gladwells book - outliers. And I want MORE of this in my life.

Listen along for the full story.

Journal Q's to move away from shit entitlement:

  1. what can I learn here from stepping up rather than waiting for this success to come to me as I hope?
  2. and list 3 ways in which you could put MORE effort in and step towards this more - and do at least ONE of these

I love coaching women in these areas and look forward to sharing my story and journey with you and would love to coach you in your journey.

If interested in connecting or joining my coaching programme:


(to apply - click 'connect; and fill out the form!)

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