E14 - 6 thoughts on worthiness

Published: July 13, 2021, 3 p.m.

My name is Laura. (you can find me on IG: @going_for_something).

Believing in ourselves and our worth is one of the most powerful things we can do. After all, if we don't believe in ourselves, how can we expect anyone else to have faith in us?

This episode contains 6 thoughts on worthiness and are all related to why you are worthy.

I have been inspired to start this podcast series because I would love to help anyone who might be facing similar struggles to what I have worked (and am still working through) myself.

I love coaching women in these areas and look forward to sharing my story and journey with you and would love to coach you in your journey.

If interested in connecting or joining my coaching programme:


(to apply - click 'connect; and fill out the form!)

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