E1 - motivation is bullsh*t

Published: March 15, 2021, 4 p.m.

My name is Laura. (you can find me on IG: @going_for_something).

I have been inspired to start this podcast series because I would love to help anyone who might be facing similar struggles to what I have worked (and am still working through) myself.

I love coaching women in these areas and look forward to sharing my story and journey with you.

This episode I will talk about how motivation is bullsh*t.

Waiting for that motivational feeling to get going is going to be a slow and unsteady road. If we just needed 'more motivation', then we would probably have achieved all of our goals. Therefore, motivation is Bullsh*t!

I talk about the root excuses behind lack of motivation, how this message about needing motivation is harmful and contributing to our fixed mindsets and the steps you can take to get something done (instead of waiting for motivation to pop along if it fancies!)

If you have enjoyed this episode, I would love for you to join me on my  6 week 1:1 coaching programme, where I help stuck women to clarify their goals and take meaningful steps without constant overwhelm!

check it out via my website: (to apply - click 'connect; and fill out the form!)


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