The Power of Appreciation

Published: Oct. 24, 2021, 2:08 p.m.

Episode #7: The Power of Appreciation Welcome to EPISODE NUMBER 7. Today’s topic is: The Power of Appreciation The definition of appreciation is: ….. the recognition and enjoyment of the GOOD qualities of someone or something. For this episode, we’re just going to be focusing on people. Today, I talk about some of the people who have supported me in different ways over the last few years. I hope this episode inspires you to show others more appreciation. Photos from today’s show One quote a day project *************************************** Please Subscribe If you’ve been faithfully joining me the last few weeks. It really means a lot. If you’ve just discovered the show, I’d love to have you join me again, so please hit the subscribe button. If you have enjoyed today’s show, I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks for listening, and I really look forward to joining you again next time.