Clean Machine with Geoff Palmer | Episode 5

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, 9:04 p.m.

Geoff Palmer lost his parents and his brother when he was young. He became suicidal and addicted to all kinds of vices.

Overnight he turned his life around. This moving episode followers Geoff's amazing journey through to this day.

One day, after working for over 25 years in the Natural Foods & Nutritional Supplements Industry, Geoff was standing inside one of the supplements stores he managed.

One side of the store had sports nutrition products loaded with artificial ingredients and dangerous stimulants, the other side had supplements that improved health but not fitness. He wanted both.

That's why he created Clean Machine®. Geoff has dedicated his entire career to finding the best ingredients for our bodies to promote both health and fitness.

This led him to a patent for his invention of the first supplement that mirrored the amino acid ratio of human muscle tissue. He then created the first Heat Shock Protein sports nutrition product.

And with the creation of Clean Machine® all of their products have been recognized for awards every year since 2013, culminating in winning the NEXTY Award for Best New Supplement in 2018 for Clean Green Protein™.

But what Geoff loves most is that every day Clean Machine's products are improving the lives of others while being sustainable and 100% plant-based.

Better for health, fitness, the environment and the all life we share this planet with. That’s a whole lot of good.