How Shipping Containers Explain the Conflict in Yemen

Published: May 18, 2018, 8:07 p.m.


For this episode, I wanted to explore a different way to understand the crisis in Yemen.
Yemen has two main ports, Hodeidah to the north, on the Red Sea and Aden to the south, on the Gulf of Aden. Of these two ports, Hodeidah is by far the bigger one. But Hodeidah is under the control of forces aligned with the Houthi rebels. Aden is controlled by forces aligned with the internationally recognized government of Yemen --\\xa0 a government that is militarily backed by a Saudi-led coalition.
Both the politics and the basic logistics of getting goods into these two ports offers key insights into the dynamics of the conflict in Yemen and why Yemen is experiencing such a profound humanitarian crisis--indeed it is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.
My guest today, Scott Paul\\xa0 is the humanitarian policy lead at Oxfam America. He recently returned from a fact finding trip to the Port of Aden and some of its surrounding towns. He wrote about that experience in a piece on the website Just Security, which I will post a link to on the website.\\xa0