84: David Sandercott - Living your most fulfilling and authentic life

Published: June 28, 2021, 8 a.m.

David Sandercott is a best-selling Amazon author that has appeared on ABC and Fox. He has been helping people for over ten years as a coach in business, spirituality, mindset, healing, weight loss and more. David is the expert in helping people find the peace and happiness they seek while creating the business they have always wanted. Through his coaching, he helps people release their feelings and let go of their fears. David says, "Praying is like speaking to God, and Meditation is like listening to the answer.

Learn more about David here



FREE GIFT#1 21 Day meditation Journey - connect with spirit every day in every way https://www.davidsandercott.com/free-gift/ 

FREE GIFT #2 https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.thesandercottmethod.com/playbookdcg928d6&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw3VRSxX3oGdXt9z8xQccj9j 

FREE GIFT #3 Coaching call with David 

To learn more about your host, Nelia Hutt visit www.travellivegive.com or email at info@travellivegive.com