72: Daralyse Lyons a.k.a The Transformational Storyteller - practise self-love as a verb and an emotion

Published: April 12, 2021, 5 a.m.

Meet Daralyse 

Daralyse Lyons, aka the Transformational Storyteller, is a journalist, an actor, and an activist. She has written more than two dozen full-length books, a handful of short stories, and countless articles, performed in various plays and in improv comedy shows. A member of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and a summa cum laude graduate of NYU, with a double-major in English and Religious Studies and a minor in History, she is passionate about exposing the painful side of history, the side that is not written by oppressors. 

She is the creator of the Demystifying Diversity Podcast. I would love to speak about the importance of self-care and positive self-regard when the world is in pain and when work pressures can be overwhelming. I would love to talk about the way that self-care increases our capacity for empathy.

In this episode, Daralyse shares that the biggest d greatest gift she has given to herself is when she can behave in a way  that is kind, loving and respectful to herself.

 The Dymistifying Diversity Podcast https://www.demystifyingdiversitypodcast.com/
