54: Samantha Houghton - Author of "The Invisible Girl"

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 6 a.m.

Meet Sam

Samantha Houghton is an Author, Ghostwriter and Book coach. Through her story, she is not only inspiring others to face their challenges but also helping other authors turn their stories into memoirs.

In this episode, Sam opens up about what it feels like to be a hyper-sensitive child and adult.  She also shares her story with Bulimia, being chronically depressed and being in and out of  mental institutions.

We share how important it is to transform as an adult and to overcome that struggle as well as why expressing yourself is freeing and helps offload emotions. Sam says that "the day her son was born, two people were born!"  It was a pleasure and an honour to have met Sam she truly has an inspirational and beautiful heart.

To learn more about Samantha Houghton and her services visit her at https://www.facebook.com/TheInspiringWriter

Website http://www.samanthahoughton.co.uk/

To purchase a copy of one of her books visit https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F3mkm7A6%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2k9whVqv_lzL-w7rKL80VHwTNiBhunoNBb9PykHtetzqRe68j8De7QFNA&h=AT1k2UoHzA8QZuQJhzDVsHthOSKVAbzDu-mVBWkZp8wgc9vET5kdrR6FNSCOE-wkWbp_d-zerjLtdz0KsOqnZVA1Kju87-84V7w29lir7FZb6psJfacNBsdsJxIBP-RVnw