42: Peter Burkin - Part 1 Schizophrenia, the system, bullying and limiting beliefs

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 6 a.m.

Meet Peter Burkin

Peter Burkin was born in Rochester, New York. One of nine kids, he mostly had a happy childhood. His father died when he was 11 years old. He felt strange so he transferred into the public schools from a private school. He got cut from the lacrosse team in 7th grade and later became a college all-star. He taught for 22 years in public school. He has a 17-year-old son, who he loves greatly. He is also a school teacher and Passion Test Facilitator.

Peter shares with us candidly about having Schizophrenia, about being institutionalized but more importantly about rising above.  You will hear Peter speak about bully proofing, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, parenting, relationships, sports and respecting one another.

Peter is offering my audience One FREE Mastermind Meeting, a $250 Value!

He is also offering a 15 min FREE 1 to 1 coaching call

You can learn more about Peter Burkin here https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterburkin/


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