123: Why Self-Discovery is the Key to Creating Impact with Melissa Kirk

Published: March 28, 2022, 9 a.m.

Thank you, Melissa. I enjoyed our conversation immensely and appreciated the wisdom you shared with the listeners! In this episode, we speak about impacting your life by finding your purpose. I am very passionate about this topic because I know firsthand how it feels to feel lost, not know your gifts, not know your purpose and how transforming it is when you do!

Meet Melissa Kirk

People hire Melissa Kirk to get the results they have sought, explore her out-of-the-box ideas, use her expertise to find and align with their passion and purpose, shift their mindset to be empowered and create the lifestyle they desire. She helps them find and purchase their dream home, attract the clients they want to work with, improve their relationships, systemize and grow their business, and improve their health. She helps them get to the root of the issues going on in their lives and turn things around to match their dreams, goals and aspirations!

Learn more




To learn more about your host, Nelia Hutt visit https://neliahutt.com



Learn more about your host, Nelia Hutt, at https://neliahutt.com

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