FuzzJockRadio - Spirit Day

Published: Oct. 24, 2023, 5:07 a.m.


Ah, the grand jamboree of sportsmanship is upon us once more! The mighty clash of bats and balls resounds as October baseball reclaims the season. Meanwhile, the icy ballet of the NHL and the courtly dance of the NBA rekindle their annual performances. And lo! Rejoice, ye Monday Night Football connoisseurs - for this week, the gridiron tango does not induce the customary snooze!

Intrigue swells as, tucked away at the very tail of our broadcast, awaits a glittering nugget of pop royalty: the latest chronicles of Her Highness Taylor Swift. Dedicated Swifties (and those who fancy themselves clairvoyant) may teleport forthwith to the episode\'s end, wherein this melodic gossip resides. Engage your fast-forward functions with glee, dear listeners, for the future is now!


A FuzzTalkRadio Production

