Why You Should Embrace Your Judgmental Side In Order To Be Happier

Published: Jan. 14, 2022, 1 p.m.

How awful do you allow yourself to be when you’re in a foul mood? Are you able to admit when you’re having a bad day and just embrace how you’re going to be your worst self for a while?

When you admit that you’re in a foul mood and that you’re in your drama and bullshit, it’s like clearing the space for 10 more people at the table to exist, and it’s a huge relief.

The admission of your true feelings delivers freedom. You don’t have to maneuver around others or manipulate them into acting a certain way because you let them have their response to your bad mood. You’re not masking it or pretending that things are perfect when they’re not.

You can also notice that all the things you accuse everyone else of are actually what’s happening with you. It liberates you to notice how everyone else deals with crappy days and feelings too.

How crappy are you willing to be on your worst day? Not in the sense of being a jerk to others on purpose or causing misery – but in the sense of not forcing yourself out of your bad moments and instead just being with them. Are you able to talk to the demon-beast within and accept its presence in your life?

We are not our bad days, but our bad days are a part of our experience. Accepting them seems to shorten those experiences or at least our perception of them.

We all have judgments and moving through them is tough.

When we’re able to simply notice that we have a judgmental bratty side and not believe our judgments, it makes life easier. It also makes life easier to notice that judgments are going to happen, it’s a part of being human.

Welcome to the full Spectrum Feeling Podcast. I'm your host, Blaze Schwaller, life coach and former tattoo artist. I help people heal their past, speak their truth to those they love, and learn how to feel ALL their emotions, so that they can live lives they love no matter what comes up. Join me here every week for conversations on how to live an imperfect but fully engaged life that embraces all the feels, so you can stretch into your best life while enjoying the you that's here now.