Tips on How to Be More Visible and Abundant

Published: Dec. 24, 2021, 1 p.m.

How do we let in more abundance and visibility?

Why are you showing up, how are you showing up, and if you’re hiding, why are you hiding and how is that serving you?

I show up most when I know I have value to share. When my focus is not on myself, it’s easiest to show up. When I'm truly showing up to offer to others without it being about me, or when I am a conduit for the work, then it’s easy.

Showing up is easiest when the offer is true and honest.

When we have something moving through us to offer others, we become more visible and are better received. But showing up honestly about who we are and what we have to offer is really vulnerable. So that can feel very scary and unsafe.

Learning how to give helps us be received.

We can’t be received without having something to give, so learning how to feel safe to give is important in order to create a space where being received, accepted, and seen is possible.

The truth is that if we show up, we are going to be rejected by some people as well as received and appreciated by others.

But these are two sides of the same coin. Because people can only reject or receive from us if we show up and offer it in the first place.

So do we want to offer real thoughts, insights, wisdom, and gifts, or only offer what we feel is safe? Do we only offer the stuff that we see accepted by others or by ourselves in order to feel assured of acceptance? If so does that make us a smaller version of ourselves?

It’s easiest to keep showing up when you feel that the way you are showing up is authentic to how you truly feel and in alignment with your real values.

You don’t have to show up only one way. You can show up ALL the ways, and when you allow that to be true for you, showing up becomes a whole lot easier and way more abundant.

Welcome to the full Spectrum Feeling Podcast. I'm your host, Blaze Schwaller, life coach and former tattoo artist. I help people heal their past, speak their truth to those they love, and learn how to feel ALL their emotions, so that they can live lives they love no matter what comes up. Join me here every week for conversations on how to live an imperfect but fully engaged life that embraces all the feels, so you can stretch into your best life while enjoying the you that's here now.