How to Celebrate Small and Underwhelming Achievements

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 1 p.m.

It’s so easy to make everything about us and what we do small. But what we do matters. What you do MATTERS. In every moment we get to choose how we show up. And we can choose to appreciate how we’ve been no matter how that’s turned out.

This year you have done a lot of stuff. And you probably want to say that it wasn’t a big deal. But I’m here to tell you it WAS a big deal.

It’s important to celebrate the small and underwhelming accomplishments that make up our lives – because no matter what you create, within days or weeks or months, you are going to forget that you couldn’t do that last week, and it’s going to be normal to you.

Our minds focus on what’s broken, on what’s wrong and missing. But so much happiness comes from accepting that we actually kick ass and make things happen all the time. Our life doesn’t happen to us. We make it happen.

I wish you another year of accomplishments. The big kind. And especially lots of little ones. The underwhelming achievements that you want to write off, but now you know really matter. The ones that make up your life. So go celebrate it!

Welcome to the full Spectrum Feeling Podcast. I'm your host, Blaze Schwaller, life coach and former tattoo artist. I help people heal their past, speak their truth to those they love, and learn how to feel ALL their emotions, so that they can live lives they love no matter what comes up. Join me here every week for conversations on how to live an imperfect but fully engaged life that embraces all the feels, so you can stretch into your best life while enjoying the you that's here now.