Filling Your Inner Well When It's Empty

Published: March 18, 2022, noon

We consume a lot of outside feedback and information constantly. There is mental clutter flying at us from all directions and I think we all feel like there’s a lot coming at us all the time. We feel a sense of duty to show up and take it all on. But it leaves us exhausted, tired and depleted, and we all recognize that we need to take care of ourselves in order to take care of everyone else we care about.

What does it mean to refill your cup? We all want to fill our cup, but the well is empty. When we turn the tap on, there’s no water flowing.

So how do we get it to come back on?

We need a break for ourselves. Not for our kids, or our spouses, coworkers, or businesses. We need to stop. We are afraid though that if we stop, it will all fall apart and our lives will break. We are terrified that if we step off the wheel, we’ll never get back on it.

This is a symptom of taking too long to have taken the break. The fear grows from withholding, not from giving and taking. We want to be allowed to care about each other and about ourselves in a human way. We need pauses to allow rest and refilling.

And the refilling – the source of nourishment and water – arises without effort. It takes time for the well to refill. But if we stop drawing from it long enough, nature takes care of this for us.

Part of this nourishment and trust in life comes from stopping long enough to be held by the universe, to allow that just for those moments, nothing is needed from you other than just existing. And existing is enough. The nourishment will flow in. You can relax, and it will be OK.

Doing something for delight and no other reason can help a lot. Rolling around on the floor to see if it feels nice, closing your eyes in a sunbeam and enjoying the warmth – these things are unusual for most of us, and the novelty of it is so nourishing. It breaks the monotony and boringness of our everyday.

What kind of fun, cool thing do you want to do? What if it could be effortless to just show up to that moment and enjoy it? This desire to break the monotony is why we LOVE vacations! But we can embrace this desire and build it into everyday moments.

If you feel like your well is empty – consider that you aren’t limited to only one well. If yours has dried up, you can find another water source! But you have to move. You have to try something different. But it will be so worth it.

Follow your joy, discover more water, and freely share it! There will be more.

Welcome to the full Spectrum Feeling Podcast. I'm your host, Blaze Schwaller, life coach and former tattoo artist. I help people heal their past, speak their truth to those they love, and learn how to feel ALL their emotions, so that they can live lives they love no matter what comes up. Join me here every week for conversations on how to live an imperfect but fully engaged life that embraces all the feels, so you can stretch into your best life while enjoying the you that's here now.